Welcome to National Great Pyrenees Rescue!

Owner Surrender Info

This is a request for information, not a transfer of ownership. Please be advised that the number of owner surrenders makes it difficult for us to take all the dogs we are asked to take. If you obtained your dog from a breeder or another rescue, your first point of contact to relinquish the dog should be them. Our first priority is to dogs adopted out from National Great Pyrenees Rescue (NGPR).

We are asked to take many dogs we cannot accommodate. If your dog was not adopted from our rescue or if an NGPR volunteer did not ask you to complete a form, you may want to look for other alternatives on our rescue contact list, nationalpyr.org/contacts  or visit nationalpyr.org/surrenders for other options, including social media groups. Please note many shelters are full and will euthanize owner surrenders shortly after arrival as they are only required to hold strays.

 If the dog was found as a stray, many states require that strays be reported to the nearest shelter, although with shelters so crowded they may ask that you continue to hold the dog whenever possible. If you are completing a form for a stray we understand that you may not be able to complete all the questions. Please complete as many as you can. Thank you.


Contact Information











Surrender Information Request



