Welcome to National Great Pyrenees Rescue!

NGPR Adoption Application

Thank you for your interest in adopting a rescue Pyr! We are super busy with applications like many other shelters and rescues, so please give us some time to get back to you. We ask that you please be patient during the application process. We want to assure that our dogs will truly be in their forever homes. **We do not have working LGD's available at this time.**

We do not recommend submitting your application via phone. If you have a problem submitting your application, please try another browser like Google Chrome. 

After completing your application and clicking 'submit', you will be directed to a page with the word 'success'.  If you do not see this, your application has not been received so please try again and be sure to answer all questions.  If you do not receive a response within 5 days, please contact info@nationalpyr.org and include your state so we can check the status of your application.  Initial contact is generally made via email so please be sure to check your spam/junk folder if you have high security filters in place. 

NGPR works primarily with adopters in states east of the Mississippi River, Illinois and Louisiana due to the logistics of transport. Adopters west of the Mississippi, please consult our state contacts list and apply to the organization listed for your state or a state near you.


Contact Information























