Welcome to National Great Pyrenees Rescue!

Virtual Home Visit
Virtual Home Visit

This form is meant to be used by NGPR adoption coordinators, making it possible to combine the Telephone Interview with the Home Visit in one step to facilitate the application screening process. It is in the development stage so if you have suggestions, please email director@nationalpyr.org. If you have already done the Telephone Interview, then skip the questions that you covered previously with the applicant. We are very strongly suggesting that photos of the fenced yard and gate be obtained from the applicants and uploaded to the files section, once you have established the applicant as a contact, which is usually done after a successful vet check. Yard photos are required, so obtaining them first from the applicant will speed the process. Please suggest the following: 

Start in one corner of the yard and work your way around the yard taking overlapping pictures. Please make sure I can see where the fence meets the ground and provide close enough shots so I have an idea of structural integrity. Also, include a picture looking towards the back of the house and any gated areas. The gate pictures should be taken head on and include the locking mechanism. It usually takes about ten pictures to get a complete view of the yard/fence/gate.

Most people will want to use FaceTime or Facebook Messenger on their phones which enables them to walk through their house and along their fence line so you may see it.  We do not recommend using desktop programs as they will not allow a virtual tour of the house and property.  Taking additional screen shots of the fence during the tour (ask in advance) is still okay to do, especially if here are questions about the photos they sent in.  Photos should be named for applicant and what it is (ex. Smith.Gate.jpg). 

Please be sure to enter the applicants information (not yours) in the first section. Thanks for all you do to make adoptions possible.   
